My Life- Is it really mine?
Well, I really don't know about this.
We all are bound by so many things, so many factors, so many people & yeah so many emotions.
Feelings, sentiments, attitude, behaviour etc dominates our activities in our day to day life. We are nothing but mere puppets in the hands of GOD.
Emotions & relations - these 2 factors make a human weak. Well that's what I used to believe & probably in some deep down corner of my heart I still do. But then i supper from this multiple person syndrome. Iam just way too unpredictable- not unreliable though. Life turns topsy-turvy every other day. We smile, we cry, we laugh, we yell, we sing, we dance & cherish all of these emotions in our heads & our hearts. Weakness for some, for some deep memories & for some people mere nothing. NOTHING at all.
But for me, emotions & relations mean 2 things.
Firstly, Iam for them coz they last lifelong. You can run from people, from memories but you can't suppress ur emotions. Atleast not when u are alone. Relations as you can see play their own important role.
Secondly, though not always, I seldom find them like cages. They bound us to the ground, preventing us from soaring high.They try to impose restrictions on us.
What do u get at the end of the day by revealing ur true self to everyone?
What difference can ur life and its tragedies & pleasures make to a complete stranger?
Why will someone give a damn to u?
I can't answer this. Iam not hard-hearted.
Iam making the most of my life by being happy in watever iam doing. Being content in my own small world. My little Paradise. My Universe- surrounded with emotions & relations.
Like the image says- Dream what u want to dream,
Go where u want to go, Be what u want to be, Because u have only one life & one chance to do all the things u want to do.
So, make the most of your life. Live LIFE to the fullest.